Heartwarming Stories That Help Parents Address Real Issues

Childrens Books Written by Rev. Kathi Lockwood, M.Ed.


-An Adoption Made in Heaven-

“I enjoyed Amy Angel very much and think your idea and execution of the concept of adoption being a pre-planned event to be both sound and compassionate…(It is) appropriate to deal with the abandonment issue for adopted children in such a sensitive way.”

Michael Newton, Ph.D, Author Journey of Souls

-An Adoption Made In Heaven-

“This deeply spiritual and inspirational delight…is a truly worthwhile lesson…that is as therapeutic as it is loving.  AN ADOPTION MADE IN HEAVEN is wise, loving, insightful, and profound.”

Richard Fuller, Senior Editor, METAPHYSICAL REVIEWS

-A Christmas Eve Adventure-

“Great children's book with wonderful illustrations. Well-written. Positive message. Highly recommend!”

Jack S.

-A Christmas Eve Adventure-

“This is a charming little book. It proposes a good, elaborated and inspiring story with some real depth. The beautiful illustrations can leave a long lasting impression on young minds in my opinion. A good choice for our children.’

Evelyne M.

-A Christmas Eve Adventure-

“Destined to be a classic.”

Sam Horn, CEO of the Intrigue Agency 

-The King and The Monster-

 Rev. Kathi offers a unique perspective as she brings her own journey of faith and passion to the writer’s table. I believe her voice and message is relatable and in tune with the very real struggles that a family experiences when a member of that unit is facing a substance abuse problem. This story, even though set in a fictional kingdom, is easily identifiable and set in a world that children and caregivers alike can relate to in a fundamental way.

Chelsea Markopoulos, MA, CAADC, LPC

-The King and The Monster-

Addiction is a difficult topic for many adults to understand, let alone a child. The delivery, flow and main point of the struggle we have unfortunately become all too familiar with, was brilliantly formatted in this book. Easy for a child to follow and comprehend and yet a great read for an adult to explain the totality of addiction in the absence of a book or a great reminder of the monsters many battle alone. Recommend with enthusiasm.


-An Adoption Made in Heaven-

The inspiring story of An Adoption Made in Heaven is a must for all adoptive families who know that every child is a gift of love and a gift from God.

Staten Island Parent Magazine,  November 1996

-The King and The Monster-

As an adult who had a parent who struggled with addiction my whole life, this book made me cry. I think this is not only a wonderful way to explain to a child about a loved one going through addiction but it also teaches them about the dangers in a very gentle and non graphic way.


-An Adoption Made in Heaven-

An Adoption Made in Heaven: Amy Angel Goes Home is especially recommended for the children of all adoptive families who know that every child is a precious gift of love.

The Midwest Book Review, Children’s Bookwatch

-The King and The Monster-

I trust this book will become a part of every school’s library, as the earlier society is introduced to the perils of addiction, the sooner we can begin to eradicate its pitfalls.  Reverend Lockwood possesses both an intellectual and emotional understanding of this problem with the ability to teach children in a simple yet powerful medium.

Mary Pat Melvin LSW CSAC, MS


-The King and The Monster-

The simplicity of the story can be used by adults to help children of any age understand it is not their fault and that the king in their life can find the help and strength to be whole again.

Maryanne H.

More About Kathi!


        As a young mother, she studied theology at Moravian Seminary, and in 2010, she became ordained as an interfaith minister at the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City. She continued participating in conferences and sharing her unique knowledge with others. As a spiritual explorer, Kathleen has had numerous mystical experiences. From observing balls of chi to receiving messages from loved ones who passed away, Kathleen is open to the signs for us all to see. She believes the Divine reveals itself to us through our life experiences.


Kathi and books

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